Friday, February 23, 2007




Scene 1
Hello. Are you a young, able bodied woman? Are you tired of how society treats you?
Tired of being expected to raise the children, clean the house, and cook the meals without going insane?

Scene 2

Ever dreamed of a place where women, not men, are the "stronger sex". Where we decide the fate of the society.
Where we ARE the society. Welcome to F.R.O.M.

Scene 3
What is F.R.O.M. you may be asking your self? Well, it stands for F. emales R. uling O. ver M. en.
In our new and futuristic society, we do just that. Men are controled by their female rulers.
You may be saying to your-self, "That`s not right," but in many societies throughout history, women have been treated without respect.
It`s time for a change. It`s time WE take control F.R.O.M. the men. It is time for F.R.O.M.

Scene 4
And don’t think our society doesn`t have men. It does. Their purpose in life is to serve.
Without them, we would have to actually work. They have a great life, though. But don`t take MY word for it...

Scene 5

Hi. I`m George. I LOVE serving women. It`s the only pleasure a man can get from life.
Yes. I`m Martin and I agree completely. Thank goodness I was born HERE in the wonderful F.R.O.M.
Right, because if a man is born OUTSIDE of F.R.O.M., they can never be accepted into F.R.O.M. Only women can come from the outside.
Men in F.R.O.M. must be born and raised in F.R.O.M. If not, they wouldn`t have received a proper education.

Scene 6
Men born within F.R.O.M. are truely blessed for they get the benefit of a "proper" education.
Without this education, I, Bob, would never have been able to realize my full potential when serving women.
At the age of 18, women venture from their school and pick a mate of their choice. Any men left over from that year are then used for labor.
I was not picked for a mate. I provide service by constructing homes, mending roads, and other such tasks, and I couldn't be happier!

Scene 7
As you can see, we are a very successful and efficient society. Women work at whatever career they choose at the age of 18.
If they want to continue schooling, they may, or if they change their minds, that's fine too. Men are assigned careers at 18.

Scene 8
Family units are headed by the woman but her mate is present. After all, any sons need a role model to aspire to be.
During the day, mothers/wives and her mate go to their respective jobs while the children go to school; boys to their school and girls to theirs.

Scene 9

Everything in F.R.O.M. is organized and planned out. Nothing happens by accident.
F.R.O.M. is a well oiled machine that all women can take pride in.
F.R.O.M. is the way of the future. It was founded for women, by women. Everyone is welcome.....well, every woman that is...
Come to the only true woman's utopia. Come to F.R.O.M.

Scene 10

(This film was meant to be viewed by an all female audience. We tried our best to screen this viewing.)
(If any men saw this video we apologize, but..... the future...)

Declaration of Independence

Since the dawn of time, men have been given too much power, and women have been given the title of being “the weak sex.” Ever since the beginning, men have been given controlling women and they think we are their property. Women have been treated as inferior beings. Women have a mentality of not being strong. Society has forbidden women to stand for themselves.
We grasp these truths to be patently obvious, that all women are created equal, with equivalent rights. It is time for justice. It is time for freedom and independency. It is also time to show this society that we, as women could make our own decisions.
We, therefore, the women of this society are willing to make a change. To be respected and treated with love and liberty. Women have all power to be independent and embrace being an individual. Our children have the power to receive a proper education and be respected for what they believe in. People living in the utopia are guaranteed rights and dignity. woman have power over men and shall be highly respected at all times.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Utopian Animal

F.R.O.M.'s national animal is the swan. The swan is very graceful and beautiful. Swans are often a symbol of love or fidelity, because of their long-lasting monogamist relationships. One Chinese idiom about swans is how "a toad wants to eat swan flesh!" This idiom is used derisively on men who desire women who are beyond their station in terms of wealth, social class or beauty. Swans also symbolize grace, balance, innocence, faithfulness, solitude, retreat, poetry, sincerity.

This all compares to our society. Women are graceful, faithful, and loving. Our society is full of long-lasting relationships, wealth, and balance. Every symbolism that a swan has, our country has every single one in ever citizen.

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Utopian Motto and Seal

Our society's Motto is as stated:

All women were created equal, men were created to serve.

Our socitey's Seal is as follows:

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Invitation to Friends

Dear Friends,

We are currently living in a society full of unfairness and racism. Men have too much power over women. They treat us as if we are not valuable to them. Men say that women are the weak “sex”. It is time for us to stand for ourselves and show them that we are strong enough. It is time for all women to be equal and be treated with respect and love.
I would like you to take the first step and make a difference. In our society, we will have everything you have ever wished for. Women are free to do what they please but at the same time having equality among us. Finally, we, as women would be respected and would show respect. I would like you to make that choice and come to our Utopia. You will not regret it.


Females Rule Over Men Society

Journal Entries

President of F.R.O.M-Journal

I woke up this morning to a huge breakfast that my husband made me which consisted of eggs, bacon, toast and fresh fruit. I kiss my children goodbye as they board the bus for school. Today is a big day at work. As the president of the F.R.O.M utopia I will address the people in the state of the union address. My husband will escort me to the biggest event of the year.
I began to write my speech and decided to address points such as, how important woman are to the society and to the world. Also, that the woman children our future and we must protect them in every way possible. Well, it is 5 P.M and my husband arrives at the house to my house from picking up the children. They arrive home to me getting my hair, and make-up done and a home cooked meal that the butler made. I am two hours away from giving the speech ate the statue of Jennifer Connor. She is my role model and I admire her, if it were not for Ms. Connor I would not be where I am today.
Finally, the time has come. My husband escorts me down the carpet to give my speech. Each year I have to do this, but every year I try to improve in my speech. Women are surrounded by me as they listen to me in awe. All the men are instructed to lead their wife to their designated seat and then must go sit in the back behind all the women. After a long day at work I arrive home.
I walk into the living room and see her watching television. I walk in and we watch my speech on TV together. I get up and kiss her goodnight. As I am leaving she calls, “Mom, when I grow up, I want to be just like you.” I give her a hug and go too sleep.

Boy Child- Journal

Early morning wake ups! I wake up at 7 A.M and decide to go wake up my sister who overslept (like always) and of course, mom and dad never get mad at her because she is a girl. Breakfast is served by dad. Every morning he wakes up early to do this, today he made French toast, eggs and fresh fruit. The bus arrives and we kiss mom goodbye first and then dad. We arrive to school and immediately we separate from the girls. There are two buildings in my school the “B” building and the “G” building. The girls go to their classes where they are taught a higher education than us. Throughout my years at school my friends and I have been taught that men are the lower class and women always come first.
Today at school we talked about our form of government that we have in F.R.O.M. Kritarchy: a political system based on the equal justice for all and the concept of natural rights. In out utopia there is a House of Women which basically controls everything. My sister one day dreams of becoming a member of the house of women, hopefully the president just like mom.
After school, we go to after school care and wait till dad picks us up around 5. Finally, we arrive home to dinner on the table and mom relaxing while dad picks up around the house. We eat dinner in a very specific order. Mom sits at the head of the table, my sister, me and then dad. Mom says grace, and we talk about any events going on in the world and how our days were. After dinner is done, dad and I wash the dishes while mom and Kelly have mother and daughter time. Today for our family time we decided to got get ice cream at Coldstone and walked around the park.
We arrive home take showers and go to bed. Today will be a late night for me, I have a test to study for about Woman history tomorrow. I daze off and I skim through my history book throughout the whole book there is not one man mentioned.

Husband of the President of F.R.O.M- Journal

Today is a very big day for my wife, my one and only. I woke up extra early this morning to make her a big breakfast. I wake up the kids and I decide to go to Starbucks to get my wife a mocha frappuccino her favorite. Today is a big day for my wife; I must do everything possible to make sure everything goes perfect. My wife wakes up and I feed her breakfast.
I get dressed to go to work. Everyday, before work I drive her to the office. Working in F.R.O.M is extremely difficult for a man. There is no high paying or very intellectual jobs that you can get as the lower class. All the women have the good jobs. For example, I have always wanted to run for office but men are not allowed. My wife is the president of this utopia and I am too afraid to discuss my concerns about this subject with her.
Every year I only get paid 15,000 dollars a year; and this is one of the highest paying jobs for a man. I work in the construction business and I am under the hot sun all day long. We get a 15 minute lunch break and then have to go back to work. Finally, the day has come to an end and I go pick up the kids at after school care. I pick up the kids and I go pick up my wife’s dress and my tuxedo for tonight when she will make her speech.
We get home and I see her getting pampered; as usual. The limbo comes to pick us up, we kiss the kids goodbye, my daughter will baby sit her little brother while we are out. I step out of the limbo and escort her to the podium where she will give her speech. After I walk her up, I must go all the way to the back behind all the women. This is a rule for everything in the Utopia, women are always first and men are second in everything.
Finally, the long day has come to an end. My wife is exhausted when we arrive home, as so am I. She tells me to make the kids lunch for tomorrow while she head off to bed. I kiss her goodnight and begin to make the lunch and tidy up the kitchen. I think to myself will I ever get a break as I walk to bed.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Governing Body

The Governing body is referred to as 'Kritarchy,'

It states that a Kritarchy is a political system based on the equal justice for women and the concept of natural rights.

All is equal for women, they all have equal opportunity. But men do not.

Obviously women will rule over men when it comes to the workforce and the legal rights. They make all important decisions and suggest major changes.

The Supreme House is consisted of five women and two interns. They gather on Tuesdays at six o'clock and talk about different changes of the society and what is new. They speak of the different men and if they have all behaved.

When they vote on new rules and regulations, it is a unanimous vote and they all decide on one equal choice.

No choices are made without the positive consent of the people.

It is for the better of the people.

There is one president, she rules over all, and has the same opportunity as everyone else. She gets an incite on the new proposals and approve or disagree. There is a voting every five years. All can vote over the age of eighteen and if they are registered. The vote is based on the people, not the Supreme House. It is their final choice.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Name Of Society

This society is abbreviated:


It stands for:

Females Rule Over Men

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Daily Itinerary


Here is the itinerary for the a family. The average family includes a mother, a father, a son and a daughter. This is one day in their daily lives.


06:30 A.M.- 07:00 A.M.

The family awakes and gets ready for the day to come, they make their beds and prepare for work or school. The butler then serves a good healthy breakfast. The children pack to go to school and they are taken to the bus stop either by the mother or father.

07:30 A.M.

The women and men prepare for work. The woman gets dressed for work, in office attire and reads the morning paper. She prepares her briefcase and says goodbye to her husband. The men get dressed for their job and also read the paper. They prepare any sort of tool boxes and then leave.

08:00 A.M.- 09:00 A.M.

The adults leave the house and arrive to work at around this time.

09:00 A.M.- 12:30 P.M.

The butler(s) clean the house and make sure it is ready for the family before they arrive in the evening.


07:30 A.M.- 02:30 P.M.

While the children are at school they learn the fundamental tools of education depending on their grade level. They complete their normal coursework such as mathematics, science, or reading depending on their grade level. They also participate in physical education, music, art, a foreign language and reading time during different days of the week.

02:40 P.M.- 06:00 P.M.

The children are dismissed, they are taken to after school care where they complete homework, start on projects, socialize with others, and having some free time before being picked up. If they are scheduled to attend any extracurricular activities, they may go to their scheduled classes on time. They are then dismissed once the father picks them up.


09:00 A.M.- 05:00 P.M.

The women arrive to work with a refreshment ready. They check-in and fulfill the days requirements. The women have a one or two hour break for lunch. They can go to a local restaurant with their female colleagues and have a nice lunch. Once they return they can finish up until it is time to leave. They return straight home, without having to worry about her children, her husband or dinner.


09:00 A.M.- 05:30 P.M.

The men arrive to work and start straight away until lunch. When lunch arrives they can take half an hour and a quick meal. Once lunch is over they go back to work and finish up until it is time to leave.

06:00 P.M.- 06:30 P.M.

The men get out of work and pick up their children from after school care and head to the grocery to get food for dinner.

07:30 P.M.- 09:30 P.M.

Dinner is prepared and the butler sets the dinner table. Dinner is served and the family talk about their day or another subject. Once dinner is over, dessert may be brought out and eaten. Once dessert is over, the family can have some family time until it is time to go to bed.

10:30 P.M.- 11:30 P.M.

The family gets ready to sleep and head to bed by 11:45 P.M.


Friday's are meant for the teenager's to go out with friends and socialize. Parents may go out or spend the night at home with their young ones. The younger kids may go to a friends house or have a friend over.

Saturday's are meant for further homework, studying and work. The parents may finish up some work, the children may study for tests or finish up projects. During the evening, it's time for the family to spend some time together. They can go to the movies, the park or something they like to do.

Sunday's are meant for religion. Families may go to church or their place of worship. At around noon, they may go to brunch with the extended family (grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.) and spend time with them. After, they can review for the next day (Monday), and then spend time together until it is time to go to sleep.

Rules of Regulation

I. All women are created equal and men are created to serve.

II. All men are not permitted to go out in public unless accompanied by a women.

III. In accordance to the government, men do not have voice, opinion or any kind of authority without the consent of a women.

IV. All the people may attend school to receive an education depending on the amount of your privileges.

V. Workforce is related on your sex, depending upon women and men. Women must work the mind and men must work manually.

VI. Laboring jobs consist of mending, creating, protecting, and serving women with all their needs.

VII. Women must maintain the economic values of power and wealth, they must control authority and must be leaders and role models.

VIII. Religion is to the own accord, but men cannot be religious. For example they cannot be priests, deacons, bishops, for they are manipulating, brutal and unsympathetic.

IX. Education is of vital importance and must be attained for a proper future. If one wishes to continue into education, they may go to college and study a broad or specific field.

X. Women and children are of vital importance to the future and to the economy. The women make decisions based on the people and children will eventually decide our future.

XI. This country has moral and dignity. There is patience and diligence among the people and among the lands. Solitude among the families and dependence among the whole. Each is individual but we act as one when needed.