Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Governing Body

The Governing body is referred to as 'Kritarchy,'

It states that a Kritarchy is a political system based on the equal justice for women and the concept of natural rights.

All is equal for women, they all have equal opportunity. But men do not.

Obviously women will rule over men when it comes to the workforce and the legal rights. They make all important decisions and suggest major changes.

The Supreme House is consisted of five women and two interns. They gather on Tuesdays at six o'clock and talk about different changes of the society and what is new. They speak of the different men and if they have all behaved.

When they vote on new rules and regulations, it is a unanimous vote and they all decide on one equal choice.

No choices are made without the positive consent of the people.

It is for the better of the people.

There is one president, she rules over all, and has the same opportunity as everyone else. She gets an incite on the new proposals and approve or disagree. There is a voting every five years. All can vote over the age of eighteen and if they are registered. The vote is based on the people, not the Supreme House. It is their final choice.