Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Daily Itinerary


Here is the itinerary for the a family. The average family includes a mother, a father, a son and a daughter. This is one day in their daily lives.


06:30 A.M.- 07:00 A.M.

The family awakes and gets ready for the day to come, they make their beds and prepare for work or school. The butler then serves a good healthy breakfast. The children pack to go to school and they are taken to the bus stop either by the mother or father.

07:30 A.M.

The women and men prepare for work. The woman gets dressed for work, in office attire and reads the morning paper. She prepares her briefcase and says goodbye to her husband. The men get dressed for their job and also read the paper. They prepare any sort of tool boxes and then leave.

08:00 A.M.- 09:00 A.M.

The adults leave the house and arrive to work at around this time.

09:00 A.M.- 12:30 P.M.

The butler(s) clean the house and make sure it is ready for the family before they arrive in the evening.


07:30 A.M.- 02:30 P.M.

While the children are at school they learn the fundamental tools of education depending on their grade level. They complete their normal coursework such as mathematics, science, or reading depending on their grade level. They also participate in physical education, music, art, a foreign language and reading time during different days of the week.

02:40 P.M.- 06:00 P.M.

The children are dismissed, they are taken to after school care where they complete homework, start on projects, socialize with others, and having some free time before being picked up. If they are scheduled to attend any extracurricular activities, they may go to their scheduled classes on time. They are then dismissed once the father picks them up.


09:00 A.M.- 05:00 P.M.

The women arrive to work with a refreshment ready. They check-in and fulfill the days requirements. The women have a one or two hour break for lunch. They can go to a local restaurant with their female colleagues and have a nice lunch. Once they return they can finish up until it is time to leave. They return straight home, without having to worry about her children, her husband or dinner.


09:00 A.M.- 05:30 P.M.

The men arrive to work and start straight away until lunch. When lunch arrives they can take half an hour and a quick meal. Once lunch is over they go back to work and finish up until it is time to leave.

06:00 P.M.- 06:30 P.M.

The men get out of work and pick up their children from after school care and head to the grocery to get food for dinner.

07:30 P.M.- 09:30 P.M.

Dinner is prepared and the butler sets the dinner table. Dinner is served and the family talk about their day or another subject. Once dinner is over, dessert may be brought out and eaten. Once dessert is over, the family can have some family time until it is time to go to bed.

10:30 P.M.- 11:30 P.M.

The family gets ready to sleep and head to bed by 11:45 P.M.


Friday's are meant for the teenager's to go out with friends and socialize. Parents may go out or spend the night at home with their young ones. The younger kids may go to a friends house or have a friend over.

Saturday's are meant for further homework, studying and work. The parents may finish up some work, the children may study for tests or finish up projects. During the evening, it's time for the family to spend some time together. They can go to the movies, the park or something they like to do.

Sunday's are meant for religion. Families may go to church or their place of worship. At around noon, they may go to brunch with the extended family (grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.) and spend time with them. After, they can review for the next day (Monday), and then spend time together until it is time to go to sleep.

Rules of Regulation

I. All women are created equal and men are created to serve.

II. All men are not permitted to go out in public unless accompanied by a women.

III. In accordance to the government, men do not have voice, opinion or any kind of authority without the consent of a women.

IV. All the people may attend school to receive an education depending on the amount of your privileges.

V. Workforce is related on your sex, depending upon women and men. Women must work the mind and men must work manually.

VI. Laboring jobs consist of mending, creating, protecting, and serving women with all their needs.

VII. Women must maintain the economic values of power and wealth, they must control authority and must be leaders and role models.

VIII. Religion is to the own accord, but men cannot be religious. For example they cannot be priests, deacons, bishops, for they are manipulating, brutal and unsympathetic.

IX. Education is of vital importance and must be attained for a proper future. If one wishes to continue into education, they may go to college and study a broad or specific field.

X. Women and children are of vital importance to the future and to the economy. The women make decisions based on the people and children will eventually decide our future.

XI. This country has moral and dignity. There is patience and diligence among the people and among the lands. Solitude among the families and dependence among the whole. Each is individual but we act as one when needed.