Friday, February 23, 2007




Scene 1
Hello. Are you a young, able bodied woman? Are you tired of how society treats you?
Tired of being expected to raise the children, clean the house, and cook the meals without going insane?

Scene 2

Ever dreamed of a place where women, not men, are the "stronger sex". Where we decide the fate of the society.
Where we ARE the society. Welcome to F.R.O.M.

Scene 3
What is F.R.O.M. you may be asking your self? Well, it stands for F. emales R. uling O. ver M. en.
In our new and futuristic society, we do just that. Men are controled by their female rulers.
You may be saying to your-self, "That`s not right," but in many societies throughout history, women have been treated without respect.
It`s time for a change. It`s time WE take control F.R.O.M. the men. It is time for F.R.O.M.

Scene 4
And don’t think our society doesn`t have men. It does. Their purpose in life is to serve.
Without them, we would have to actually work. They have a great life, though. But don`t take MY word for it...

Scene 5

Hi. I`m George. I LOVE serving women. It`s the only pleasure a man can get from life.
Yes. I`m Martin and I agree completely. Thank goodness I was born HERE in the wonderful F.R.O.M.
Right, because if a man is born OUTSIDE of F.R.O.M., they can never be accepted into F.R.O.M. Only women can come from the outside.
Men in F.R.O.M. must be born and raised in F.R.O.M. If not, they wouldn`t have received a proper education.

Scene 6
Men born within F.R.O.M. are truely blessed for they get the benefit of a "proper" education.
Without this education, I, Bob, would never have been able to realize my full potential when serving women.
At the age of 18, women venture from their school and pick a mate of their choice. Any men left over from that year are then used for labor.
I was not picked for a mate. I provide service by constructing homes, mending roads, and other such tasks, and I couldn't be happier!

Scene 7
As you can see, we are a very successful and efficient society. Women work at whatever career they choose at the age of 18.
If they want to continue schooling, they may, or if they change their minds, that's fine too. Men are assigned careers at 18.

Scene 8
Family units are headed by the woman but her mate is present. After all, any sons need a role model to aspire to be.
During the day, mothers/wives and her mate go to their respective jobs while the children go to school; boys to their school and girls to theirs.

Scene 9

Everything in F.R.O.M. is organized and planned out. Nothing happens by accident.
F.R.O.M. is a well oiled machine that all women can take pride in.
F.R.O.M. is the way of the future. It was founded for women, by women. Everyone is welcome.....well, every woman that is...
Come to the only true woman's utopia. Come to F.R.O.M.

Scene 10

(This film was meant to be viewed by an all female audience. We tried our best to screen this viewing.)
(If any men saw this video we apologize, but..... the future...)

Declaration of Independence

Since the dawn of time, men have been given too much power, and women have been given the title of being “the weak sex.” Ever since the beginning, men have been given controlling women and they think we are their property. Women have been treated as inferior beings. Women have a mentality of not being strong. Society has forbidden women to stand for themselves.
We grasp these truths to be patently obvious, that all women are created equal, with equivalent rights. It is time for justice. It is time for freedom and independency. It is also time to show this society that we, as women could make our own decisions.
We, therefore, the women of this society are willing to make a change. To be respected and treated with love and liberty. Women have all power to be independent and embrace being an individual. Our children have the power to receive a proper education and be respected for what they believe in. People living in the utopia are guaranteed rights and dignity. woman have power over men and shall be highly respected at all times.